Cours en ligne « Journalisme et développement »
Le contexte
En 2018, l’ESJ Lille m’a demandé de réaliser des prestations d’intégration de contenus en ligne pour le cours en ligne « Journalisme et développement » proposée par la Banque mondiale. Cette mission a consisté à créer des quiz et intégrer du contenu multimédia sur la plateforme Moodle de l’école en les mettant préalablement en forme le cas échéant.
WAAPP is building a sustainable and nutritious food system in Senegal that creates jobs for youth and produces nutritious food for farmers to sell and people to eat. Sylvia Chileshe and Joshua Sachipita work as sub-station attendants at the switch yard of the Kariba North Bank Power Station, near the Kariba Dam, the largest man-made reservoir in the world.
The reservoir supplies water to two underground hydropower stations with a total capacity of 1830MW generating more than 10,035 GWh of electricity annually. The North Bank Power Station is operated by ZESCO in Zambia and has an installed capacity of 1,080 MW. (Photo: Arne Hoel) A worker transports boxes of medical supplies across the KEMSA supply chain center.
Through the Kenya Health Sector Support Project, the World Bank funded the procurement of commodities at the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA). This has allowed KEMSA to reconfigure its business model and to devolve funds for procurement of medical commodities to the 47 counties across Kenya. The new self- sustainable “supermarket” supply-system model, ensures that supply of medical commodities to public health facilities continues uninterrupted.
The World Bank additionally supported procurement reforms and system strengthening within KEMSA, through capacity buidling and leveraging the use of technology. (Photo: Sarah Farhat/ The World Bank) Shopkeepers at the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority go through a purchase list from a health center, pick the supplies and pack them into boxes.
Through the Kenya Health Sector Support Project, the World Bank funded the procurement of commodities at the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA). This has allowed KEMSA to reconfigure its business model and to devolve funds for procurement of medical commodities to the 47 counties across Kenya. The new self- sustainable “supermarket” supply-system model, ensures that supply of medical commodities to public health facilities continues uninterrupted.
The World Bank additionally supported procurement reforms and system strengthening within KEMSA, through capacity buidling and leveraging the use of technology. (Photo: Sarah Farhat/ The World Bank) The airport of Goma: a police officer manages traffic in front of the arrivals gate. The World Bank funded Goma Airport Safety Improvement Project (P153085 ) is working to improve the security, safety and operations of Goma International Airport. Photo: Vincent Tremeau/The World Bank
Mes contributions
Voici dans le détail les tâches accomplies :
Création de l’architecture d’un cours répartis en 10 modules sur 10 semaines ; Indexation des vidéos sur le compte Youtube de l’ESJ et intégration dans chacun des modules ; Création et intégration d’un quiz pour chaque module ; Mise en ligne de la webographie de chaque module ; Assistance technique pour la durée du cours (pas utilisateur, uniquement en ce qui concerne le travail effectué) ; Statistiques individuelles de fréquentation.
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